These three places stink. Is it Helicobacter pylori infection?


    Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that can survive the stomach acid and colonizes one the human stomach lining. This bacteria can cause inflammation of the stomach lining, which can lead to diseases such as stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and even stomach cancer. Helicobacter pylori infection can also affect oral and intestinal health. Bad breath, stink fart, and stink stool odor are typical symptoms of H. pylori infection. After H. pylori infection, how to cause bad breath, stink fart and stool odor?

1. Bad breath

Affected by Helicobacter pylori infection, the digestive function is weakened, causing food to stay in the stomach longer, the bacteria have more time to break down these food residues, producing foul smelling gases such as ammonia, which will enter the blood flow upward, and finally exhaled with the mouth, forming bad breath.

2. Stink fart odor

When feces stay in the intestine for a long time, the odor of feces will be discharged through the form of gas, stink of rotten eggs and smell, which indicates excessive protein intake and digestive tract bleeding, must pay attention to prevent intestinal internal erosion, peeling, bleeding or malignant tumors.

3. Stink stool odor

Food digestion and absorption is carried out through the stomach, although the stool of normal people also have odor, but not obvious, if there is a pungent sour, fishy, rancid and odorous odor, it shows that there are symptoms of intestinal accumulation, bleeding or inflammation, need to go to the hospital to check, under the doctor's orders to take intestinal drugs.

    If the above 3 places stink, indicating a high probability of infection with Helicobacter pylori, attention should be paid to. However, because these 3 places stink may also be caused by other factors such as diet. So the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection also need to be confirmed by the relevant examination. Fecal H. pylori antigen test is written into the consensus guidelines, the accuracy can be comparable to the "gold standard" breath test diagnostic method.

    What are the advantages of WIZ H. pylori antigen test ? 

1. There is no need to empty stomach and take medicine before testing. 

1) The current clinical detection of H. pylori breath test, need to stop taking antibiotics and other drugs 4 weeks before the test, and need fasting for more than 2 hours, and then take the  urea drugs,  and needs 24-72 hours to metabolize the drugs outside of the body after the test.

2) WIZ H. pylori antigen test, Just need one normal defecation, no pain, no harm, no fasting and no medicine can be completed, friendly to all people (including the elderly, pregnant women and children).

2. Results are available within 10-15 minutes.

The H. pylori antigen test is a more economical and convenient test than the breath test. In addition, the H. pylori antigen test is also widely recognized for its accuracy, requiring little preparation before the test, being very fast in time and easy to operate, making it suitable for

rapid diagnosis and can be used in a variety of medical institutions.

3. The test are easy to operate, suitable for large-scale screening.

The detection method is simple to operate, does not require complex equipment or professional training, and is suitable for use in the primary medical institutions. The collection of fecal samples is simple and reduces the invasive experience for patients. Because of its high sensitivity, specificity, and cost effectiveness, the H. pylori antigen test is well suited for large-scale epidemiological investigations and screening.

Helicobacter pylori infection?

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