Prevention measures for Rotavirus


Rotavirus is one of the common causes of diarrhea in the children, mainly through droplet and contact transmission. Here are what we have to do to prevent from rotavirus:

1. Pay attention to personal hygiene: Wash hands frequently, especially after contact with potentially contaminated objects, using soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

2. Avoid contact with the virus: Avoid close contact with people who are already infected with rotavirus, especially if they are showing symptoms.

3. Disinfection and cleaning: Keep environment hygienic, regularly clean and disinfect the surfaces of home and public places, especially toilets, door handles, faucets and other frequently touched items.

4. Avoid contaminated food and water: Avoid contact with potentially contaminated food and water, especially when eating out.

5. Isolate patients: People who have been infected with rotavirus should be isolated and avoid contact with others until their symptoms have completely disappeared.

6. Strengthen children's hygiene practices: Teach children to have good hygiene practices, especially wash hand frequently and avoid contacting the persons with medical conditions.

7. Get vaccinated: Rotavirus vaccine is currently available and vaccination is an effective way to prevent from infection of rotavirus.

The above measures are only preventive measures, if you have been infected with rotavirus and have severe diarrhea or vomiting, you should seek medical attention promptly and follow doctor's advice for treatment.

The rotavirus antigen diagnostic kit (latex method) developed and produced by Wizbiotech are with high sensitivity and strong specificity, and the test results can be obtained in 10 to 15 minutes, and it can help clinicians quickly judge the cause of diarrhea in earlier stage. It is the test item that clinicians usually consider to use when they have to make a judgement if children really get acute gastroenteritis.

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