• The number of drug users around the world has soared, and the drug problem has become increasingly serious

    According to the World Drug Report 2024 released by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in June this year, the number of drug users worldwide has increased to 292 million in 2022, an increase of 20 percent in 10 years.

  • Early drug abuse screening, rehabilitation and social integration

    Drug control is a worldwide problem, drug abuse not only harms the physical and mental health of individuals, but also brings a huge negative impact on the society. Drug users often get stuck in the drug mire and find it difficult to extricate themselves.

  • Reject drugs, Revere life

    June 26 is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking designated by the United Nations to call attention to the issue of drug control, raise people's awareness of the harm of drugs, and call on the whole society to participate in anti-drug work.

  • Anti-drug propaganda: Stay away from drugs and harm

    Drug is a kind of substance that endangers human health and social stability. It can seriously damage human organs, impair human brain and body functions, and lead to serious physical and psychological problems.

  • The difference of application of different biological materials in drug detection

    Based on the characteristics of drug detection in different biological materials such as blood, urine, hair, saliva and nails, different methods can be applied at different stages in drug prevention and control and fight in the future, and different detection methods can be selected for different groups of people.

  • Drug abuse among vulnerable groups and inadequate medical resources

    In 2021, one in 17 people aged 15-64 globally will have used a drug in the previous 12 months. The increase in the estimated number of users from 240 million in 2011 to 296 million in 2021 (5.8 per cent of the global population aged 15-64) shows that the drug problem can be global and its scale is growing.

  • Drug abuse problem

    According to the World Drug Report 2022, about 300 million people worldwide had abused drugs in 2022, which means about one in every 26 people did.

  • How much you know about DOA tests?

    Drug of abuse tests, also known as drug tests, are used to detect the presence of illegal or prescription drugs in a person's system. This type of testing is commonly used in workplaces, schools, and by law enforcement agencies. The tests can be conducted using various methods, including urine, blood, hair, and saliva samples.

  • Keep yourself away from drugs

    There are various types of drugs that are classified as illegal or illicit substances, commonly known as drugs of abuse​. These drugs have different chemical compositions and effects on users. Some of the most commonly used drugs of abuse include opioids, cocaine, cannabis, amphetamines, hallucinogens, and designer drugs.

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