Is Hepatitis B patient safe to be mother?


Yes, you can safely have children if you are living with hepatitis B.

Although there is sometimes stigma associated with having hepatitis B and fear of transmission, it is not that way. There is a safe and effective vaccine to prevent transmitting hepatitis B infection to loved babies.

  • Pregnant women should receive antiviral treatment if high levels of the virus are detected during testing.

  • Pregnant women should avoid amniocentesis, shorten the delivery time, ensure the integrity of the placenta, and minimize the exposure of newborns to maternal blood.

  • Enough hepatitis B immunoglobulin should be injected as soon as possible within 24 hours after birth (preferably within 12 hours).

  • Within 24 hours after birth (preferably within 12 hours), the newborn shall be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine at different parts, and then the second and third doses of vaccine shall be vaccinated in 1 month to 6 months respectively.

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